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All fields with * are compulsory Name(First Name & Last Name)*0Email�*Position�*0Institutional affiliation at the time of submitting application to the Frontiers Planet Prize*0Institution or organization that recommended you put your application forward (if different from above institutional affiliation)Country�*�Title of the peer-reviewed publication�*Journal�*�0Date of acceptance (dd/mm/yyyy)�*0DOI�*0List of Co-Authors�(If there are multiple authors who have contributed to the study, please indicate these details here, together with their institutional affiliation and level of contribution. Authors will be recognized by the Frontiers Planet Prize at later stages.) * 0Link of the peer-reviewed publication�(Please attach a PDF of your article when submitting your application) * 0Select 1 or multiple planetary boundaries addressed in your paper�*�%Stratospheric ozone depletion�%Biosphere integrity�%Novel entities�%Climate Change�%Ocean acidification�%Freshwater use�%Land system change�%Biogeochemical flows�%Atmospheric aerosol loadingKey new insight(s) emerging from this research (max 1200 characters)�* Provide an outlook on how, within 24 months, your results can be implemented in policies, be commercially adapted or otherwise contribute to keep the planet within its planetary boundaries (max 1200 characters) *� Provide a brief personal statement, �Why my paper should win the Prize' (max 1200 characters"'(|}�����       �������������lU>U3h@W'h�MoOJQJ-h@W'hN|�B*CJKHOJPJQJaJph-h@W'h�MoB*CJKHOJPJQJaJph2h@W'hN|�0JB*OJQJfHph�q� ����+h\0MB*OJQJfHo(ph!%)q� 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